Creature — Griffin 3/3, 2UU (4)
Mythic Rare
You may cast Misthollow Griffin from exile.
For some creatures, existing is only a whim.
Illus. Jaime Jones
5/1/2012: Misthollow Griffin can also be cast from a player's hand.
5/1/2012: Misthollow Griffin doesn't have an ability that exiles itself. Some other effect will be needed to get the card into exile.
5/1/2012: You must still pay Misthollow Griffin's mana cost when you cast it from exile.
5/1/2012: Misthollow Griffin's ability doesn't change when you can cast creature spells: when you have priority during your main phase when the stack is empty.
Legal in Vintage (Type 1)
Legal in Legacy (Type 1.5)
Legal in Extended (Type 1.X)
Legal in Standard (Type 2)
Legal in Classic (MTGO)
Legal in Commander
Legal in Modern