B.F.M. (Big Furry Monster) adăugat 04-04-2013 09:07 ×

04-04-2013 09:07
Magic the Gathering
Creature — The-Biggest-Baddest-Nastiest-Scariest-Creature-You'll-Ever-See 99/99, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (15)
You must play both B.F.M. cards to put B.F.M. into play. If either B.F.M. card leaves play, sacrifice the other.
B.F.M. can be blocked only by three or more creatures.
"It was big. Really, really big. No, bigger than that. Even bigger. Keep going. More. No, more. Look, we're talking krakens and dreadnoughts for jewelry. It was big"
-Arna Kennerd, skyknight
Illus. Douglas Shuler
This card is not legal in any format