Creature — Plant 0/3, 3G (4)
Uncommon (U2)
{T}: Target attacking creature's power becomes 0 until end of turn.
Illus. Rob Alexander
11/1/2005: Changes creature's current power to zero (as opposed to giving it -X/-0, like before) but does not prevent raising it after the Tree has been used on it.
10/1/2009: You apply power/toughness changing effects in a series of sublayers in the following order: (a) effects from characteristic-defining abilities; (b) effects that set power and/or toughness to a specific number or value; (c) effects that modify power and/or toughness but don't set power and/or toughness to a specific number or value; (d) changes from counters; (e) effects that switch a creature's power and toughness. This card's effect is always applied in (b), which means that effects applied in sublayer (c), (d), or (e) will not be overwritten; they will be applied to the new value.
Official Reprint Policy (This card is on the reserved list)
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